5 Signs You Should Work in Human Resources

5 Signs You Should Work in Human Resources

If you’ve been working in the corporate world for any stretch of time, you have probably heard the classic phrase, “let’s run this by HR,” or more simply, “talk to HR.” Work in Human Resources is not for everyone, but it is an absolutely vital part of every firm. It is the crucial department that handles the business of people – a business that can sometimes be complicated and rewarding; tricky and stimulating.

At AP Professionals, we specialize in connecting qualified individuals with roles they can thrive in. We have placed many HR professionals in the last 25 years – here are the top 5 signs that you would be a great fit for the Human Resources profession.

You Like Dealing with People

This may sound obvious, but it cannot be overlooked. If dealing with people – communicating with them, analyzing them, and helping them – energizes you, then HR might just be the field for you. Human Resources rarely involves solitary, independent workflows; rather, it is a constant collaboration and communication stream. If this thought excites you, then you have the makings of a promising HR professional.

You Are Highly Organized

HR careers leave little room for error. They are often very data-intensive, and that data is often very sensitive. You must have the ability to juggle and sort various calendars, databases, and even personal details of your co-workers in a measured and highly organized manner.

You Are an Excellent Communicator

Employees of a firm often look to the HR department as a model for how the culture and communication style of the company is portrayed. As professionals in the realm of people, you must lead by example in the way you carry yourself and communicate. You must be clear, concise, and responsive. If you are a solid writer and effective communicator, HR might be a great fit for your skillset and personality.

You Have a Good Social Acumen

The issues you might run into while working in Human Resources are sometimes touchy and complex. They can involve people’s perceptions, whether accurate or inaccurate, as well as their feelings, thoughts, and personal problems. HR professionals need to be active listeners with great social awareness. Being able to “read a room” and relate to others while also being a champion of truth and accuracy is a difficult line to tow, and one HR professionals constantly deal with.

You Are a Problem Solver

Salespeople address the problem of generating revenue. Operations professionals address the problem of running the business. Marketing professionals address the problem of promoting the brand. And Human Resources professionals: well, they do a little bit of everything. The problems that relate to people are oftentimes the most multi-faceted, and addressing them requires skill and patience. Furthermore, working to place people in the right roles also serves to address the problems of all the other departments listed above. Therefore, HR professionals need a solid understanding of how the business works from the ground up. This helps know how best to solve the main objectives of each of its branches.

Partner with AP Professionals to Advance Your Career

No matter where you are on your career journey, partnering with a trusted and proven recruiter can help alleviate stress and equip you for success in the Human Resources career path. AP Professionals can assist you in finding work in human resources or other roles that align with your career objectives. We will take the time to get to know you and your unique situation, then leverage our expansive and proven network to source a solution. Visit us at today to learn how we can help you carve the path that’s right for you.

Written By:

Alanna Marriott

Alanna is a Placement Director for the Administrative Division. She focuses on contract, contract-to-hire, and direct hire administrative/office support and marketing positions within the Rochester area. Alanna joined the company in 2011 as a Payroll and Placement Coordinator. She transitioned into an administrative recruiting role in 2014 followed by accounting and finance in 2017, and has rejoined the administrative team in 2021.

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