Being the Best Digital Candidate

Man with arms crossed, smiling off to the side.

Unfortunately, our world was flipped upside down last month due to COVID-19. However, in this time of uncertainty AP Professionals wants to make sure candidates know we are here to help in any way possible. Even during a pandemic, you may be undergoing a virtual job search. Here are some tips and tricks so you can become the best digital candidate possible and optimize your time searching for a new position from home.

Grow your virtual network

In these uneasy times of social distancing in person networking is almost impossible. However, virtual networking is highly encouraged. Take a look at event websites to see what virtual networking events they are offering. Or ask someone to a virtual coffee. These are not things that we are used to doing, but if you think outside the box there are many virtual ways to network.

Update your resume and LinkedIn

Many of us are faced with some extra time on our hands lately. Take a couple minutes to update your resume and LinkedIn, so when you see an opportunity that you’re interested in all of the necessary materials are ready to go. This is also a great time to grow your meaningful LinkedIn connections, follow target companies, and catch up on LinkedIn training sessions.

Learn new skills and brush up on old ones

Many interviews are switching to a digital format. Take some time to download a variety of digital interview platforms and practice. Also, brush up on your old skills. There are a variety of free digital platforms that allow you to get up to date on Microsoft Excel, QuickBooks, ADP and many of the other software programs.

Create a good work space

In this difficult time many people have to adjust to new living conditions and houses are more crowded than ever. As best as you can, create a space that is quiet, has a good internet connection, and has as few distractions as possible. Make a schedule, switching up tasks frequently, and do not be afraid to take a break every hour or so.

Be open minded in your job search

Eventually everything is going to subside and companies will be looking to hire again. When this time comes be open minded to all the opportunities that you see. Whether it be a temporary opportunity, an opportunity in a new industry, or a job at a new company, explore every option and be open minded. Continue making strides in your virtual job search; you never know where that new opportunity could take you.

Please feel free to reach out to myself at or anyone on staff at AP Professionals. AP is here to help you through this uneasy time. We will do our best to get you employed as soon as possible.