In this unique period of time, AP is here for you.
Right now, there are many unknowns. However, we want you to know, AP Professionals remains a committed resource to you. If your hiring or job search is on hold, we will be ready when you are. If you’re an essential business hiring now or an eager job seeker, call us. We have resources and positions available. We will continue to provide the same level of personalized service to you, while adapting to keep us all safe and healthy. And as always, we will see this challenge through as your trusted partner and agile resource.
Please call us at 585-381-7350 or email Matt Taylor with any questions, concerns, or for more information about our response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
View our placement options or learn more about our recruiting teams.
Connect with AP Professionals to learn more about how we can help find the top-level talent you need, or your perfect job fit, right here in town.