AP Professionals of Rochester offers several options to meet your needs no matter what level of position you have open. Here are a few typical scenarios and the reasons for choosing them.
This option is best for the candidate you are hoping to hire and can be beneficial for many reasons. No matter what type of market we are experiencing in Rochester, hiring someone directly will get you the best candidates. This allows us the opportunity to present candidates who are currently working and/or who may be ideal but are not actively looking for a new position. The fee for this type of hire would be a one-time lump sum payment with a 90-day guarantee.
This option gives you the chance to make sure that each candidate you hire is a good fit for the position as well as the company culture. Typically the temporary time period in this role is three months but there is no standard timeframe; you can hire the person as a permanent employee after a couple weeks or a couple of months if you are confident in their abilities. With this option you pay over time as opposed to a lump sum. At the date of hire you would pay the remaining fee.
AP Professionals Rochester has candidates available for anything from a one-day assignment to an indefinite contract position. We have several solutions available and will work with you to meet your needs. Should you decide down the road that you want to hire the person permanently we can help you through that transition as well. If not, the unemployment and other costs would fall on AP, not on your company.
AP Professionals Rochester has candidates available for anything from a one-day assignment to an indefinite contract position. We have several solutions available and will work with you to meet your needs. Should you decide down the road that you want to hire the person permanently we can help you through that transition as well. If not, the unemployment and other costs would fall on AP, not on your company.
AP Professionals Rochester can also put a candidate of your choice on our payroll in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Administrative or Human Resources. Since you found the candidate, we also do this at a discounted rate. There are several cases where this is ideal. Your company will not incur the cost of the additional person on the payroll and will avoid having to offer the employee benefits. We remove the risk for you.
Connect with AP Professionals to learn more about how we can help find the top-level talent you need, or your perfect job fit, right here in town.