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Engineering & Operations.

Customer Service Specialist (FLEX) new Contract-to-Hire
18-20 Hourly Jul, 24
55-60K Jul, 16
Quality Engineer Direct Hire
70-100K Jul, 16
Senior Buyer Direct Hire
65-85K Jul, 11
25-30 Hourly Jul, 02
55-70K Jun, 27
Client Specialist Contract-to-Hire
18-22 Hourly Jun, 20
Electrical Technician Direct Hire
52-62K Jun, 19
28-34 Hourly Jun, 18
Optical Assembly Technician Contract-to-Hire
18-22 Hourly Jun, 18
Manufacturing Manager Direct Hire
75-85K Jun, 17
Production Manager Direct Hire
80-90K Jun, 14
18-30 Hourly Jun, 13
CNC Machinist Direct Hire
22-28 Hourly Jun, 11
Production Lead Direct Hire
23-28 Hourly Jun, 07
20-25 Hourly Jun, 06
Key Account Manager Direct Hire
80-110K Jun, 05
58-72K May, 30
Director of Sales Direct Hire
110-130K May, 28
30-40 Hourly May, 22

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